
  1. import: This loads the nodes and edges file into a Neo4j instance. This will take a while depending on the size of the tsv files.

    poetry run kg import --data-dir data
  2. test-query: To test that the above worked, run a built-in test query:

    poetry run kg test-query --database neo4j --data-dir data

    This should return something like (as per KGX data in the repo):

    {'n': {'label': 'Streptomyces thermocarboxydovorans', 'id': 'NCBITaxon:59298'}}
    {'n': {'label': 'Streptomyces thermocarboxydus', 'id': 'NCBITaxon:59299'}}
    {'n': {'label': 'Streptomyces thermogriseus', 'id': 'NCBITaxon:75292'}}
    {'n': {'label': 'Streptomyces thermospinosisporus', 'id': 'NCBITaxon:161482'}}
    {'n': {'label': 'Streptomyces vitaminophilus', 'id': 'NCBITaxon:76728'}}
    {'n': {'label': 'Streptomyces yanii', 'id': 'NCBITaxon:78510'}}
    {'n': {'label': 'Kitasatospora azatica', 'id': 'NCBITaxon:58347'}}
    {'n': {'label': 'Kitasatospora paracochleata', 'id': 'NCBITaxon:58354'}}
    {'n': {'label': 'Kitasatospora putterlickiae', 'id': 'NCBITaxon:221725'}}
    {'n': {'label': 'Kitasatospora sampliensis', 'id': 'NCBITaxon:228655'}}
  3. qna: This command can be used for asking a question about the data and receiving a response.

    poetry run kg qna "give me the sorted (descending) frequency count nodes with relationships. Give me label and id. I want this as a table " --data-dir data

    This should return

    > Entering new SQL Agent Executor chain...
    Invoking: `sql_db_list_tables` with `{}`
    edges, nodes
    Invoking: `sql_db_schema` with `{'table_names': 'edges, nodes'}`
    CREATE TABLE edges (
            subject VARCHAR,
            predicate VARCHAR,
            object VARCHAR
    3 rows from edges table:
    subject predicate       object
    NCBITaxon:54261 biolink:capable_of      pathway:nitrate_reduction
    NCBITaxon:2714  biolink:capable_of      pathway:nitrate_reduction
    NCBITaxon:29466 biolink:capable_of      pathway:nitrate_reduction
    CREATE TABLE nodes (
            id VARCHAR NOT NULL,
            category VARCHAR,
            label VARCHAR
    3 rows from nodes table:
    id      category        label
    NCBITaxon:54261 biolink:OrganismTaxon   Ferroglobus placidus
    pathway:nitrate_reduction       biolink:BiologicalProcess       nitrate_reduction
    NCBITaxon:2714  biolink:OrganismTaxon   Aquifex pyrophilus
    Invoking: `sql_db_query_checker` with `{'query': 'SELECT n.label,, COUNT(e.subject) + COUNT(e.object) AS frequency_count FROM nodes n LEFT JOIN edges e ON = e.subject OR = e.object GROUP BY n.label, ORDER BY frequency_count DESC LIMIT 10;'}`
    SELECT n.label,, COUNT(e.subject) + COUNT(e.object) AS frequency_count
    FROM nodes n
    LEFT JOIN edges e ON = e.subject OR = e.object
    GROUP BY n.label,
    ORDER BY frequency_count DESC
    LIMIT 10;
    Invoking: `sql_db_query` with `{'query': 'SELECT n.label,, COUNT(e.subject) + COUNT(e.object) AS frequency_count FROM nodes n LEFT JOIN edges e ON = e.subject OR = e.object GROUP BY n.label, ORDER BY frequency_count DESC LIMIT 10;'}`
    [('sucrose', 'CHEBI:17992', 31296), ('fundamental metabolite', 'CHEBI:78675', 26354), ('maltose', 'CHEBI:17306', 25920), ('human metabolite', 'CHEBI:77746', 25126), ('Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite', 'CHEBI:75772', 21960), ('glycerol', 'CHEBI:17754', 20400), ('Escherichia coli metabolite', 'CHEBI:76971', 19928), ('mouse metabolite', 'CHEBI:75771', 16190), ('plant metabolite', 'CHEBI:76924', 15044), ('mannitol', 'CHEBI:29864', 14530)]Here is the table with the sorted (descending) frequency count of nodes with relationships, including their labels and IDs:
    | Label                           | ID             | Frequency Count |
    | sucrose                         | CHEBI:17992    | 31296           |
    | fundamental metabolite          | CHEBI:78675    | 26354           |
    | maltose                         | CHEBI:17306    | 25920           |
    | human metabolite                | CHEBI:77746    | 25126           |
    | Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite | CHEBI:75772    | 21960           |
    | glycerol                        | CHEBI:17754    | 20400           |
    | Escherichia coli metabolite     | CHEBI:76971    | 19928           |
    | mouse metabolite                | CHEBI:75771    | 16190           |
    | plant metabolite                | CHEBI:76924    | 15044           |
    | mannitol                        | CHEBI:29864    | 14530           |
    > Finished chain.
    ('Here is the table with the sorted (descending) frequency count of nodes with '
    'relationships, including their labels and IDs:\n'
    '| Label                           | ID             | Frequency Count |\n'
    '| sucrose                         | CHEBI:17992    | 31296           |\n'
    '| fundamental metabolite          | CHEBI:78675    | 26354           |\n'
    '| maltose                         | CHEBI:17306    | 25920           |\n'
    '| human metabolite                | CHEBI:77746    | 25126           |\n'
    '| Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite | CHEBI:75772    | 21960           |\n'
    '| glycerol                        | CHEBI:17754    | 20400           |\n'
    '| Escherichia coli metabolite     | CHEBI:76971    | 19928           |\n'
    '| mouse metabolite                | CHEBI:75771    | 16190           |\n'
    '| plant metabolite                | CHEBI:76924    | 15044           |\n'
    '| mannitol                        | CHEBI:29864    | 14530           |')
  4. chat: This starts an interactive chat session where you can ask questions about your KG.

    poetry run kg chat --database neo4j --data-dir data

    Gives you the following:

    Ask me about your data! :

    To quit type quit or exit.

    Ask me about your data! : Give me a brief statistic about the table
    > Entering new GraphCypherQAChain chain...
    Generated Cypher:
    MATCH (n:Node)-[r:RELATIONSHIP]->(m:Node)
    RETURN COUNT(n) AS nodeCount, COUNT(r) AS relationshipCount
    Full Context:
    [{'nodeCount': 598598, 'relationshipCount': 598598}]
    > Finished chain.
    'The table contains 598,598 nodes and 598,598 relationships.'
    Ask me about your data! : give me a table of the 5 most frequent relationships
    > Entering new GraphCypherQAChain chain...
    Generated Cypher:
    RETURN r.type AS RelationshipType, COUNT(r) AS Frequency
    ORDER BY Frequency DESC
    LIMIT 5
    Full Context:
    [{'RelationshipType': 'biolink:capable_of', 'Frequency': 225052}, {'RelationshipType': 'biolink:location_of', 'Frequency': 187104}, {'RelationshipType': 'biolink:consumes', 'Frequency': 107037}, {'RelationshipType': 'biolink:has_phenotype', 'Frequency': 79168}, {'RelationshipType': 'biolink:has_chemical_role', 'Frequency': 237}]
    > Finished chain.
    ('| Relationship Type            | Frequency |\n'
    '| biolink:capable_of           | 225052    |\n'
    '| biolink:location_of          | 187104    |\n'
    '| biolink:consumes             | 107037    |\n'
    '| biolink:has_phenotype        | 79168     |\n'
    '| biolink:has_chemical_role    | 237       |')
    Ask me about your data! : Give me node IDs and labels of any 10 nodes that have the word strep in it
    > Entering new GraphCypherQAChain chain...
    Generated Cypher:
    MATCH (n:Node)
    WHERE n.label CONTAINS 'strep'
    RETURN, n.label
    LIMIT 10
    Full Context:
    [{'': 'NCBITaxon:33035', 'n.label': 'Peptostreptococcus productus'}, {'': 'NCBITaxon:596329', 'n.label': 'Peptostreptococcus anaerobius 653-L'}, {'': 'NCBITaxon:1261', 'n.label': 'Peptostreptococcus anaerobius'}, {'': 'NCBITaxon:596315', 'n.label': 'Peptostreptococcus stomatis DSM 17678'}, {'': 'NCBITaxon:1262', 'n.label': 'Peptostreptococcus sp. 2'}, {'': 'NCBITaxon:1261', 'n.label': 'Peptostreptococcus anaerobius 0009-10 Hillier'}, {'': 'NCBITaxon:1262', 'n.label': 'Peptostreptococcus sp. ACS-065-V-Col13'}, {'': 'NCBITaxon:796937', 'n.label': 'Peptostreptococcaceae bacterium CM2'}, {'': 'NCBITaxon:796937', 'n.label': 'Peptostreptococcaceae bacterium ACC19a'}, {'': 'NCBITaxon:796937', 'n.label': 'Peptostreptococcaceae bacterium CM5'}]
    > Finished chain.
    ('Here are the node IDs and labels of 10 nodes that have the word "strep" in '
    '1. NCBITaxon:33035 - Peptostreptococcus productus\n'
    '2. NCBITaxon:596329 - Peptostreptococcus anaerobius 653-L\n'
    '3. NCBITaxon:1261 - Peptostreptococcus anaerobius\n'
    '4. NCBITaxon:596315 - Peptostreptococcus stomatis DSM 17678\n'
    '5. NCBITaxon:1262 - Peptostreptococcus sp. 2\n'
    '6. NCBITaxon:1261 - Peptostreptococcus anaerobius 0009-10 Hillier\n'
    '7. NCBITaxon:1262 - Peptostreptococcus sp. ACS-065-V-Col13\n'
    '8. NCBITaxon:796937 - Peptostreptococcaceae bacterium CM2\n'
    '9. NCBITaxon:796937 - Peptostreptococcaceae bacterium ACC19a\n'
    '10. NCBITaxon:796937 - Peptostreptococcaceae bacterium CM5')

    If the prompt has the phrase show me in it, kg-chat would render an HTML output with KG representation of the response.

    kg-chat $ poetry run kg chat --data-dir data
    Ask me about your data! : show me 20 edges with subject prefix = CHEBI
    > Entering new SQL Agent Executor chain...
    Invoking: `sql_db_list_tables` with `{}`
    edges, nodes
    Invoking: `sql_db_schema` with `{'table_names': 'edges, nodes'}`
    CREATE TABLE edges (
            subject VARCHAR,
            predicate VARCHAR,
            object VARCHAR
    3 rows from edges table:
    subject predicate       object
    NCBITaxon:54261 biolink:capable_of      pathway:nitrate_reduction
    NCBITaxon:2714  biolink:capable_of      pathway:nitrate_reduction
    NCBITaxon:29466 biolink:capable_of      pathway:nitrate_reduction
    CREATE TABLE nodes (
            id VARCHAR NOT NULL,
            category VARCHAR,
            label VARCHAR
    3 rows from nodes table:
    id      category        label
    NCBITaxon:54261 biolink:OrganismTaxon   Ferroglobus placidus
    pathway:nitrate_reduction       biolink:BiologicalProcess       nitrate_reduction
    NCBITaxon:2714  biolink:OrganismTaxon   Aquifex pyrophilus
    Invoking: `sql_db_query_checker` with `{'query': "SELECT * FROM edges WHERE subject LIKE 'CHEBI%' LIMIT 20"}`
    SELECT * FROM edges WHERE subject LIKE 'CHEBI%' LIMIT 20
    Invoking: `sql_db_query` with `{'query': "SELECT * FROM edges WHERE subject LIKE 'CHEBI%' LIMIT 20"}`
    [('CHEBI:16449', 'biolink:location_of', 'NCBITaxon:442870'), ('CHEBI:16449', 'biolink:has_chemical_role', 'CHEBI:78675'), ('CHEBI:16449', 'biolink:location_of', 'NCBITaxon:442870'), ('CHEBI:16449', 'biolink:has_chemical_role', 'CHEBI:78675'), ('CHEBI:17234', 'biolink:location_of', 'NCBITaxon:442870'), ('CHEBI:17234', 'biolink:has_chemical_role', 'CHEBI:78675'), ('CHEBI:17822', 'biolink:location_of', 'NCBITaxon:442870'), ('CHEBI:17822', 'biolink:has_chemical_role', 'CHEBI:78675'), ('CHEBI:26986', 'biolink:location_of', 'NCBITaxon:442870'), ('CHEBI:26986', 'biolink:has_chemical_role', 'CHEBI:83056'), ('CHEBI:28675', 'biolink:location_of', 'NCBITaxon:291968'), ('CHEBI:28757', 'biolink:location_of', 'NCBITaxon:291968'), ('CHEBI:28757', 'biolink:has_chemical_role', 'CHEBI:78675'), ('CHEBI:17234', 'biolink:location_of', 'NCBITaxon:291968'), ('CHEBI:17234', 'biolink:has_chemical_role', 'CHEBI:78675'), ('CHEBI:17306', 'biolink:location_of', 'NCBITaxon:291968'), ('CHEBI:17306', 'biolink:has_chemical_role', 'CHEBI:77746'), ('CHEBI:17306', 'biolink:has_chemical_role', 'CHEBI:50505'), ('CHEBI:17306', 'biolink:has_chemical_role', 'CHEBI:76971'), ('CHEBI:17306', 'biolink:has_chemical_role', 'CHEBI:75772')]
    Invoking: `sql_db_query` with `{'query': "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE id IN ('CHEBI:16449', 'NCBITaxon:442870', 'CHEBI:78675', 'CHEBI:17234', 'CHEBI:17822', 'CHEBI:26986', 'CHEBI:83056', 'CHEBI:28675', 'NCBITaxon:291968', 'CHEBI:28757', 'CHEBI:17306', 'CHEBI:77746', 'CHEBI:50505', 'CHEBI:76971', 'CHEBI:75772')"}`
    [('NCBITaxon:442870', 'biolink:OrganismTaxon', 'Acanthopleuribacter pedis'), ('CHEBI:16449', 'biolink:ChemicalEntity', 'alanine'), ('CHEBI:78675', 'biolink:ChemicalRole', 'fundamental metabolite'), ('CHEBI:17234', 'biolink:ChemicalEntity', 'glucose'), ('CHEBI:17822', 'biolink:ChemicalEntity', 'serine'), ('CHEBI:26986', 'biolink:ChemicalEntity', 'threonine'), ('CHEBI:83056', 'biolink:ChemicalRole', 'Daphnia magna metabolite'), ('NCBITaxon:291968', 'biolink:OrganismTaxon', 'Acaricomes phytoseiuli'), ('CHEBI:28675', 'biolink:ChemicalEntity', 'dextrin'), ('CHEBI:28757', 'biolink:ChemicalEntity', 'fructose'), ('CHEBI:17306', 'biolink:ChemicalEntity', 'maltose'), ('CHEBI:77746', 'biolink:ChemicalRole', 'human metabolite'), ('CHEBI:50505', 'biolink:ChemicalRole', 'sweetening agent'), ('CHEBI:76971', 'biolink:ChemicalRole', 'Escherichia coli metabolite'), ('CHEBI:75772', 'biolink:ChemicalRole', 'Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite')]```json
        "nodes": [
            {"label": "alanine", "id": "CHEBI:16449", "category": "biolink:ChemicalEntity"},
            {"label": "Acanthopleuribacter pedis", "id": "NCBITaxon:442870", "category": "biolink:OrganismTaxon"},
            {"label": "fundamental metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:78675", "category": "biolink:ChemicalRole"},
            {"label": "glucose", "id": "CHEBI:17234", "category": "biolink:ChemicalEntity"},
            {"label": "serine", "id": "CHEBI:17822", "category": "biolink:ChemicalEntity"},
            {"label": "threonine", "id": "CHEBI:26986", "category": "biolink:ChemicalEntity"},
            {"label": "Daphnia magna metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:83056", "category": "biolink:ChemicalRole"},
            {"label": "Acaricomes phytoseiuli", "id": "NCBITaxon:291968", "category": "biolink:OrganismTaxon"},
            {"label": "dextrin", "id": "CHEBI:28675", "category": "biolink:ChemicalEntity"},
            {"label": "fructose", "id": "CHEBI:28757", "category": "biolink:ChemicalEntity"},
            {"label": "maltose", "id": "CHEBI:17306", "category": "biolink:ChemicalEntity"},
            {"label": "human metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:77746", "category": "biolink:ChemicalRole"},
            {"label": "sweetening agent", "id": "CHEBI:50505", "category": "biolink:ChemicalRole"},
            {"label": "Escherichia coli metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:76971", "category": "biolink:ChemicalRole"},
            {"label": "Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:75772", "category": "biolink:ChemicalRole"}
        "edges": [
            {"subject": {"label": "alanine", "id": "CHEBI:16449"}, "object": {"label": "Acanthopleuribacter pedis", "id": "NCBITaxon:442870"}, "predicate": "biolink:location_of"},
            {"subject": {"label": "alanine", "id": "CHEBI:16449"}, "object": {"label": "fundamental metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:78675"}, "predicate": "biolink:has_chemical_role"},
            {"subject": {"label": "alanine", "id": "CHEBI:16449"}, "object": {"label": "Acanthopleuribacter pedis", "id": "NCBITaxon:442870"}, "predicate": "biolink:location_of"},
            {"subject": {"label": "alanine", "id": "CHEBI:16449"}, "object": {"label": "fundamental metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:78675"}, "predicate": "biolink:has_chemical_role"},
            {"subject": {"label": "glucose", "id": "CHEBI:17234"}, "object": {"label": "Acanthopleuribacter pedis", "id": "NCBITaxon:442870"}, "predicate": "biolink:location_of"},
            {"subject": {"label": "glucose", "id": "CHEBI:17234"}, "object": {"label": "fundamental metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:78675"}, "predicate": "biolink:has_chemical_role"},
            {"subject": {"label": "serine", "id": "CHEBI:17822"}, "object": {"label": "Acanthopleuribacter pedis", "id": "NCBITaxon:442870"}, "predicate": "biolink:location_of"},
            {"subject": {"label": "serine", "id": "CHEBI:17822"}, "object": {"label": "fundamental metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:78675"}, "predicate": "biolink:has_chemical_role"},
            {"subject": {"label": "threonine", "id": "CHEBI:26986"}, "object": {"label": "Acanthopleuribacter pedis", "id": "NCBITaxon:442870"}, "predicate": "biolink:location_of"},
            {"subject": {"label": "threonine", "id": "CHEBI:26986"}, "object": {"label": "Daphnia magna metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:83056"}, "predicate": "biolink:has_chemical_role"},
            {"subject": {"label": "dextrin", "id": "CHEBI:28675"}, "object": {"label": "Acaricomes phytoseiuli", "id": "NCBITaxon:291968"}, "predicate": "biolink:location_of"},
            {"subject": {"label": "fructose", "id": "CHEBI:28757"}, "object": {"label": "Acaricomes phytoseiuli", "id": "NCBITaxon:291968"}, "predicate": "biolink:location_of"},
            {"subject": {"label": "fructose", "id": "CHEBI:28757"}, "object": {"label": "fundamental metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:78675"}, "predicate": "biolink:has_chemical_role"},
            {"subject": {"label": "glucose", "id": "CHEBI:17234"}, "object": {"label": "Acaricomes phytoseiuli", "id": "NCBITaxon:291968"}, "predicate": "biolink:location_of"},
            {"subject": {"label": "glucose", "id": "CHEBI:17234"}, "object": {"label": "fundamental metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:78675"}, "predicate": "biolink:has_chemical_role"},
            {"subject": {"label": "maltose", "id": "CHEBI:17306"}, "object": {"label": "Acaricomes phytoseiuli", "id": "NCBITaxon:291968"}, "predicate": "biolink:location_of"},
            {"subject": {"label": "maltose", "id": "CHEBI:17306"}, "object": {"label": "human metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:77746"}, "predicate": "biolink:has_chemical_role"},
            {"subject": {"label": "maltose", "id": "CHEBI:17306"}, "object": {"label": "sweetening agent", "id": "CHEBI:50505"}, "predicate": "biolink:has_chemical_role"},
            {"subject": {"label": "maltose", "id": "CHEBI:17306"}, "object": {"label": "Escherichia coli metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:76971"}, "predicate": "biolink:has_chemical_role"},
            {"subject": {"label": "maltose", "id": "CHEBI:17306"}, "object": {"label": "Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:75772"}, "predicate": "biolink:has_chemical_role"}
    > Finished chain.
    '    "nodes": [\n'
    '        {"label": "alanine", "id": "CHEBI:16449", "category": '
    '        {"label": "Acanthopleuribacter pedis", "id": "NCBITaxon:442870", '
    '"category": "biolink:OrganismTaxon"},\n'
    '        {"label": "fundamental metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:78675", "category": '
    '        {"label": "glucose", "id": "CHEBI:17234", "category": '
    '        {"label": "serine", "id": "CHEBI:17822", "category": '
    '        {"label": "threonine", "id": "CHEBI:26986", "category": '
    '        {"label": "Daphnia magna metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:83056", '
    '"category": "biolink:ChemicalRole"},\n'
    '        {"label": "Acaricomes phytoseiuli", "id": "NCBITaxon:291968", '
    '"category": "biolink:OrganismTaxon"},\n'
    '        {"label": "dextrin", "id": "CHEBI:28675", "category": '
    '        {"label": "fructose", "id": "CHEBI:28757", "category": '
    '        {"label": "maltose", "id": "CHEBI:17306", "category": '
    '        {"label": "human metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:77746", "category": '
    '        {"label": "sweetening agent", "id": "CHEBI:50505", "category": '
    '        {"label": "Escherichia coli metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:76971", '
    '"category": "biolink:ChemicalRole"},\n'
    '        {"label": "Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite", "id": '
    '"CHEBI:75772", "category": "biolink:ChemicalRole"}\n'
    '    ],\n'
    '    "edges": [\n'
    '        {"subject": {"label": "alanine", "id": "CHEBI:16449"}, "object": '
    '{"label": "Acanthopleuribacter pedis", "id": "NCBITaxon:442870"}, '
    '"predicate": "biolink:location_of"},\n'
    '        {"subject": {"label": "alanine", "id": "CHEBI:16449"}, "object": '
    '{"label": "fundamental metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:78675"}, "predicate": '
    '        {"subject": {"label": "alanine", "id": "CHEBI:16449"}, "object": '
    '{"label": "Acanthopleuribacter pedis", "id": "NCBITaxon:442870"}, '
    '"predicate": "biolink:location_of"},\n'
    '        {"subject": {"label": "alanine", "id": "CHEBI:16449"}, "object": '
    '{"label": "fundamental metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:78675"}, "predicate": '
    '        {"subject": {"label": "glucose", "id": "CHEBI:17234"}, "object": '
    '{"label": "Acanthopleuribacter pedis", "id": "NCBITaxon:442870"}, '
    '"predicate": "biolink:location_of"},\n'
    '        {"subject": {"label": "glucose", "id": "CHEBI:17234"}, "object": '
    '{"label": "fundamental metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:78675"}, "predicate": '
    '        {"subject": {"label": "serine", "id": "CHEBI:17822"}, "object": '
    '{"label": "Acanthopleuribacter pedis", "id": "NCBITaxon:442870"}, '
    '"predicate": "biolink:location_of"},\n'
    '        {"subject": {"label": "serine", "id": "CHEBI:17822"}, "object": '
    '{"label": "fundamental metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:78675"}, "predicate": '
    '        {"subject": {"label": "threonine", "id": "CHEBI:26986"}, "object": '
    '{"label": "Acanthopleuribacter pedis", "id": "NCBITaxon:442870"}, '
    '"predicate": "biolink:location_of"},\n'
    '        {"subject": {"label": "threonine", "id": "CHEBI:26986"}, "object": '
    '{"label": "Daphnia magna metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:83056"}, "predicate": '
    '        {"subject": {"label": "dextrin", "id": "CHEBI:28675"}, "object": '
    '{"label": "Acaricomes phytoseiuli", "id": "NCBITaxon:291968"}, "predicate": '
    '        {"subject": {"label": "fructose", "id": "CHEBI:28757"}, "object": '
    '{"label": "Acaricomes phytoseiuli", "id": "NCBITaxon:291968"}, "predicate": '
    '        {"subject": {"label": "fructose", "id": "CHEBI:28757"}, "object": '
    '{"label": "fundamental metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:78675"}, "predicate": '
    '        {"subject": {"label": "glucose", "id": "CHEBI:17234"}, "object": '
    '{"label": "Acaricomes phytoseiuli", "id": "NCBITaxon:291968"}, "predicate": '
    '        {"subject": {"label": "glucose", "id": "CHEBI:17234"}, "object": '
    '{"label": "fundamental metabolite", "id": "CHEBI:78675"}, "predicate": '
    '        {"subject": {"label": "maltose", "id": "CHEBI:17306"}, "object": '
    '{"label": "Acaricomes phytoseiuli", "id": "NCBITaxon:291968"}, "predicate": '

‘“biolink:location_of”},n’ ‘ {“subject”: {“label”: “maltose”, “id”: “CHEBI:17306”}, “object”: ‘ ‘{“label”: “human metabolite”, “id”: “CHEBI:77746”}, “predicate”: ‘ ‘“biolink:has_chemical_role”},n’ ‘ {“subject”: {“label”: “maltose”, “id”: “CHEBI:17306”}, “object”: ‘ ‘{“label”: “sweetening agent”, “id”: “CHEBI:50505”}, “predicate”: ‘ ‘“biolink:has_chemical_role”},n’ ‘ {“subject”: {“label”: “maltose”, “id”: “CHEBI:17306”}, “object”: ‘ ‘{“label”: “Escherichia coli metabolite”, “id”: “CHEBI:76971”}, “predicate”: ‘ ‘“biolink:has_chemical_role”},n’ ‘ {“subject”: {“label”: “maltose”, “id”: “CHEBI:17306”}, “object”: ‘ ‘{“label”: “Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite”, “id”: “CHEBI:75772”}, ‘ ‘“predicate”: “biolink:has_chemical_role”}n’ ‘ ]n’ ‘}n’ ‘```’)

../kg-chat/src/kg_chat/graph_output/knowledge_graph.html Ask me about your data! :

This results in the formation of the knowledge_graph.html file.

alternate text
  1. app: This command can be used to start the KG chat app.

    poetry run kg app --data-dir data

    This will start the app on http://localhost:8050/ which can be accessed in the browser.


    chat interface