Supported LLMs

  • OpenAI [default]


    The API key should be locally saved as an environment variable (`OPENAI_API_KEY`).

    • `kg-chat` uses `gpt-4o-mini` by default.

  • Ollama:
    • For this you will have to download the Ollama application and run it on your machine.

    • Then get the model of your choice by running the following command in the terminal:

      ollama run llama3.1:405b


    The results are not very good with the 8b model. We recommend using the 405b model for decent results. GPU is recommended for faster results.

  • Anthropic:
    • `kg-chat` uses `claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620` by default.


    The API key should be locally saved as an environment variable (`ANTHROPIC_API_KEY`).

  • CBORG by LBNL:


    The API key should be locally saved as environment variable (`CBORG_API_KEY`).